One thing i really wish i want to do if i rule the world is i will make sure that every person in this world get their basic necessity in life such as water,food(good food).shelter(a house),clean clothing,education(because every human have to know about their rights) and happiness.

I will make sure that there is nothing such as poverty, discrimination,hunger,abuse or anything atrocious happen in this world. If every human should have this thought, there won't be a thing such as all that in this world. Therefore, i will make everyone to think in this sense.
Furthermore, I will make the world a 'happy happy and only happy' place. A place full of smiles,happiness and laughter. When we wake up every morning, we should be excited to face the world.

To anyone reading my blog out there, i hope that you can do this.
Wake up everyday with a smile on your face and just look how your day can change.

Child abuse is the physical , emotional or sexual mistreatment of children. Almost five children found dead everyday due to child abuse. More than three out of four are under the age of 4.
so, what's child abuse?
The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act defines child abuse and neglect as: “at a minimum, any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”
There are many types of child abuse. For example, physical abuse,emotional abuse, & sexual abuse, neglect.
There is a story i would like to share with all of you. I felt so touched by how a little girl's life just changed because of the scary scene that happened in her life.

Annie hated her step-mother. Her step-mother always shows her displeasure when Annie came each summer to visit her father and her brother, who is only three years younger than Annie.
Her stepmother had a younger brother named Ken who stayed with them. There was this day that Annie was left at home alone with Ken.
He told her that they were going to play a game, she was excited as she likes playing. So, they built a playhouse. Ken told all things that she do not understand. But what happened was what she did not expect. He had abused her physically and sexually.
She cried and shivered but that did not stop him from behaving cruel towards her. She was terrified and scared.Her stepmother had come to rescue and she thought she was safe. But the security didn't stay long. Her stepmother grabbed her roughly ,leaving a painful bruise before bringing her naked around the house. Her neighbors had seen and heard all. She was humiliated, her stepmother was shouting about how disgusting Annie was before beating her backside with a belt. Luckily her dad had came and stopped her. Even so, she was traumatized badly.
So, I would to say to all out there that children are the most precious gift. We should protect, cherish, love them by all means.