
Businesses, governments, communities and organizations in general need leaders. Every community needs a leader. So how do we choose a leader who is liked by mostly all? How to ask the every person in the community whether they want that particular leader or not?
Now, its simple. There is election now. it would be fair and equitable for all. Do big organisation and communities only needs an election? No, of course not. that is why even universities have election.
An election has just been organised in UNIKL Micet is the election day for the Student Representative Council (SRC) .A Students' Representative Council represents student interests in the government of a educational institution. A number of 21 student have joined in the election. It was quite exciting to see the posters and banners all around the campus.
In my opinion student must vote during the 'Students' Election' to avoid the wrong leader to be chosen. It is also because the election needs a sum of students to make the event a success. Not only that, a leader need a heading direction to present their talents and ideas. Furthermore, i need changes to happen in MICET . That is why I've voted. I am sure that many of the students did vote for this reason. So, for something good to happen in MICET, please vote in the student's election.
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