KP is when a student get a pointer lower than 2.00 in cgpa. KP2 is when a student get a pointer lower than 2.00 in cgpa twice; a step away from being banished from UniKL. Is it necessary for us to gives monetary incentives for those who are already KP2 students? What are the purpose? What are the effects of the incentives towards them? Me personally are rejecting the idea of monetary incentive. There are few points; first, is it the incentive will gives a positive impacts towards the student grade? Second, monetary incentives will make the student's focus and target reflect towards the money, not the knowledge. Third, instead of giving away the money, why not spend it in other form of action that will helps the student improve their grades? 

First point; the effects of the incentives towards KP2 students. This is the biggest question. What are the impact? Is it just giving away some money to them, their grades will improve? How can it be? The matter of grades is the matter of study. How they study. Why they fail. Is it because not enough exercise or is it just because the attitude of the student themselves? There are so many factors that contribute in this problem. It is not about the money. But, it is about how their attitude towards their own study. Maybe the incentives will give them some moral support as well as monetary support, but the impact are really small. They are KP2 student, just a step away from the main gate of the campus. So, monetary incentives are not helping them.

Second point; student's focus will be reflect or bias towards the money, not the study or knowledge. Is it a good thing to train a student to always think about the money instead of train them to always think how to improve grades without any "bribes"? Money can always change a man's mind. There is no doubt that the incentives will gives them some moral support. But, it is not an ethical way to be done. Yes, everything needs money, but money is not everything.

Third point; instead of giving away the money, why not spend it in other form of action that will helps the student improve their grades? We can use the money to help them in other form. Example, make extra tutorial or special class for them so they can learn more. The money are used to pay the tutors and the lecturers for extra time. It is just a perfect actions to help them improve their grades. Therefore, they will be no longer  KP2 students.

As a conclusion, monetary incentives is not a suitable nor proper way to help KP2 students to improve their grades. We have to find a way to change their attitude also to counter their problem in class. Maybe it is because the lecturers, or maybe the environment itself makes them feel uncomfortable. There are so many factors, and money are not the answer.

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